Andy Mayne
CEO, President
Andy Main is the CEO and President of MBEX . He previously served as CEO of Ogilvy Worldwide and CEO of Deloitte Digital Worldwide. Throughout his career, Andy has enhanced the value of Fortune 500 companies through a combination of technological innovation, business value and creativity, integrated into his entrepreneurial brand. This is demonstrated in his recent experiences, most notably:
- Since taking over as CEO in 2020, he has led Ogilvy’s transformation from a then-lagging business to a leading global creative agency, returning Ogilvy to the world stage and far exceeding market expectations.
- As Deloitte Digital Leader since 2014, he took over a startup within Deloitte and within six years scaled it into a multi-billion dollar global business and a leading brand in the digital transformation market.
Andy has received numerous recognitions along the way, including being named one of the Top 100 Leaders in Marketing, Media and Technology by Adweek and being named one of the top 25 consultants in the world by Consulting Magazine.
Other notable mentions include Andy’s 21 years as a principal at Deloitte Consulting and his membership on the board of directors of Deloitte Consulting. He began his career at Andersen Consulting, working in the financial services sector in London and Boston. He is also involved with the Adam Smith Global Foundation, based in Kirkcaldy, Scotland (Adam Smith’s birthplace), which seeks to provide education and insight into the works of Adam Smith and to apply his ideas in an illuminating way that is relevant to today’s global trends.
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